In 2014, Green Care opened its new resource and training centre in Shisong. The seven-room building was designed with the help of volunteers and community workers, and received approval from Kumbo Council in May 2012. Our new home has several exciting features, including an agroforestry training centre and tree nursery, a workshop, a conference hall and a mushroom-seed production unit.
We use the resource centre to host our many training workshops, for example on mushroom cultivation, agroforestry and environmental best practices. We plan to use these facilities to hold workshops on other subjects, such as HIV/AIDS awareness and helping people with disabilities. Other community members and groups also use it for meetings and workshops.
The training centre is also home to our development and environment library, which is an ever-growing collection of information that was first established in 1999. This is a great resource for students and the general public to learn more about the environment, agriculture and forestry, the functioning of our ecosystems and sustainable natural resources management.
These new facilities enrich the lives of everyone involved in our activities, especially the local villagers, and benefit the entire Northwest Region. In time, we hope to equip the centre with an internet café, a training room, a sanitary room for honey production, a personal office for staff, two toilets and a storage room. As the centre expands, we will host computer classes and continue our environmental education club in collaboration with a school in Shisong.